Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS (Part 2)

This is the second half of my Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS Post. If you haven't seen the first half, go ahead and check it out. Otherwise...

5. 3DS Extra

This one is actually pretty similar to what led off the first half of this list, the 3DS Upgraded. It's a 3DS and it has extra features, simple and self explanatory. This is however much better sounding than upgraded, and doesn't have the Cyberman feeling attached to it. 

Much like Nintendo products, the flavor always runs out of stock before you get to enjoy it. 

4. 3DS Power

"Now you're playing with power" A classic slogan from Nintendo, and naming the system this would let them use the slogan again, a great promotional ability if you ask me. Any nostalgia points are always good, especially for Nintendo. This also works since one of the highlighted features is the increased processing power it has over the regular 3DS. 

Now you're playing with power, 3-D POWER

3. 3DS Pro

I feel like this name might appeal towards gamers more than casual players, but I still really like it. I thought of the name with a connection to the Circle Pad Pro that could be attached to a 3DS in order to add another control stick. Since the C-stick is such a major feature of New 3DS, why not just name it after the device that's being emulated.

Now with added bulkiness! 

2. 3DS Advance

Talk about nostalgia. I think Nintendo naming another portable system Advance would be a great marketing tactic for them. I owned a GameBoy Color, but I really fell in love with the GameBoy Advance. Just writing about it brings up great gaming memories, and Nintendo could really capitalize on gamers who would be thinking about fun times while picking up their new portable system.

Or just release this again. Really. Do it Nintendo.

1. Super 3DS

Coming in at Number 1, Super 3DS. I mean just how awesome does that sound? I would love to tell people I own a Super 3DS. Super is also a word definitively associated with Nintendo, most notably of course, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. There just doesn't seem to be a drawback with this name. It really is Super. 

Nintendo is just freaking awesome sometimes.

So, those are the Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS. What do you guys think? Any better ideas? Or do you like the New 3DS name. Let me know what you think. Don't forget to vote in the poll too.

Which is the best name for the upcoming 3DS

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS (Part 1)

Since it's announcement last year, many of us have known about Nintendo's New 3DS. We knew it would have extra bumper buttons, NFC ability, a C-Stick of sorts, a better 3-D function, and overall better processing and power. Japan got it first, followed closely by Australia. Europe was then announced to be a getting an ambassador program for them to have access to it. Then finally in a recent Nintendo Direct, a North American release date was announced, February 13. So, in light of the recent news I present the Ten Names better than the New 3DS. Honestly, this name is just bad. It's confusing when writing about it, it's twice as confusing when talking about it, and seems like it'll be three times as confusing when selling it. Imagine walking into a Gamestop and asking for a new 3DS and the associate literally doesn't know if you want a new 3DS or a new New 3DS. Or a used New 3DS. Overall a poor name in my opinion, so....

10. 3DS Upgraded

So it's a 3DS, and it's been upgraded. Nothing too complicated here, definitely avoids any confusion. Two drawbacks is that it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, and it reminds me just a bit too much of the Cybermen from Doctor Who. Still a better name though.

Your 3DS will be upgraded.

9. 3DSi

I totally understand why Nintendo didn't name it this, the DSi is regarded as a gimmicky flop. Nevertheless the New 3DS is already being compared to it so...

Still a better name than Twilight...

8. Special 3DS

Pros: This is a pretty special 3DS. It's the best up to this point, and the limited editions that have been revealed are really quite special. Cons: It kinda brings up thoughts of the 3DS being, well uh not too smart... and a breakfast cereal.

Part of a balanced video game breakfast

7. 3DS Ultra

As we've learned from Pokemon, there's Poke, there's great, and then there's Ultra. It's a strong name and invokes feelings of being awesome and superior. Now is when we start to get to names that I really legitimately like.

Shoot, it was so close too

6. 3DS Legend

Nothing quite invokes a feeling of epicness as a legend does. Whether it's the legend of Atlantis, the legend of Robin Hood, or most importantly the Legend of Zelda, the word just brings to mind many fantastic stories and journeys.  Though legend can also imply something old, not exactly what the marking for this 3DS should be, any name that brings up feelings of Zelda has to be a good one for Nintendo. 

This name would be legen, wait for it...

So that's part 1 of Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS. Part 2 will be coming in the next post.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U (Part 2)

Earlier I posted the first half of my Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U list (Numbers 10-6). If you haven't yet, I suggest you check that out. Otherwise let's get right to it.

Number 5:

Donkey Kong - Konga Beat

Starting off the second half of the list is a Final Smash that just honestly confuses me, Donkey Kong's Konga Beat. When activated you float in the air and hit congo drums to the beat. First off, the waves it throws out do little damage, and don't even really push out too far. Second, it's very easy to avoid. Third, you actually have to keep time with the beat to make it powerful. Miss one note and you lose your combo, basically starting your power over making this the most effort you have to put into any Smash. All told this Final Smash is just full of flaws. 


Put your hands together if you want to clap...

Number 4:

Fox and Falco - Landmaster

A duel entry here, but since they both have the same Final Smash I figured I would just lump them together. The Landmaster is just bad. You get a crazy powerful cannon, but you can't aim it. Your oppenent has to be lined up with the cannon in order for any shot at hitting them. On flat levels this can sometimes be decent, but on so many other levels this is basically worthless. It's also crazy hard to control the massive tank, and on more than one occasion I've seen people KO themselves with it. Just a poor design for this Final Smash.

Do a barrel roll

Number 3:

Rosalina and Luma - Power Star

So when I was first coming up for the idea for this list, this was the Final Smash that inspired me to do it. I'll admit that I thought this was going to be my clear number 1, but after doing my "research" I came up with two worse Smashes. That doesn't mean this one isn't terrible though. It is. So Rosalina's Power Star is a star that slowly expands while shooting out mini stars in random directions. The large star does damage if you touch it, but no one will ever touch it. It doesn't get too big, and even on the smaller stages is pretty easy to avoid. The smaller stars do very little damage, and though not necessarily easy to avoid because they are random I have literally not moved and escaped unscathed. The best you can end up doing is slightly annoy your opponents with it.  

Would you like to trade 20 coins for a Star?

At least it's pretty...

Number 2:

Jigglypuff - Puff Up

So what could be worse than Rosalina? Jigglypuff. I feel like this might be controversial since some people I talk to really like Jiggly's Final Smash. I on the other hand do not all. So in this Final Smash Jigglypuff get really big and pushes you off the stage. Then if you're next to it when it reaches full size, it will launch you. So this move is only good on small stages, and even then doesn't take up the whole stage. Also I find it weird that a move that depends on your opponents being right next to you at the end would try to push you as far away at the beginning of it. It seems to completely defeat the purpose. It's honestly very avoidable too. Really a waste in my opinion.

Those are demon eyes. 
What exactly is it full of right now?

Number 1:

Peach - Peach Blossom

At the top of the list of the 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U is none other than Princess Toadstool herself. For her Final Smash she dances around, makes giant peaches fall out of the air, and puts everyone to sleep. That's it though. This Smash has two major flaws. First is that it does no damage. Second is that it actually can, and will sometimes allow your opponent to heal themselves. The giant peaches are just like food, and anyone can consume them to heal themselves. This is why Peach has the worst Final Smash in the game. After using it, you can literally be in a worse position than when you started. There is no redeeming quality to this move making this my Number 1.

Wouldn't it be funny if Peach was in love with Luigi? 

Wouldn't it be funny if that was actually an Apricot?  
So that is my Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U. What do you think? Miss any other bad ones? Completely wrong with my choices? Let me know in the comments. Feel free to vote in the poll too. Again, all of the photos are screenshots I took with my Wii U copy of the game. Thanks for reading!

Which is the Worst Final Smash for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U

Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U (Part 1)

So my first real post here is a topic that will probably come up a lot: video games. In this case Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. I love this game. I am pretty much a Nintendo fan boy, I love everything they touch, but Super Smash Bros. in particular is a massive favorite of mine. I have probably put more hours into this franchise than any other video game franchise in my life. So why not start with something the internet doesn't have enough of, a Top 10 List. Actually it's going to be more of a Bottom 10 List. It's the list of my personal 10 Worst Final Smashes. Starting with 10 and working all the way up to the worst at Number 1, I'll be talking about why these are pretty terrible Final Smashes in my opinion. So without further ado....

Number 10:

Lucario - Mega Lucario

Starting the list off with a character whose Final Smash was changed from Brawl, Lucario's Mega form isn't terrible, it's just not great. You turn into a more powerful version of Lucario, which is nice, but if you opponent is able to avoid you they can literally come out unscathed. Especially since the amount of time you spend as Mega Lucario seems very short. If you are able to hit anyone, the power is noticeable, but even still you're just a beefed up version of Lucario. Nothing too special in the long run.

If Pokemon Trainer is gone, who has the Mega Stone? 
Wax on, wax off...

Number 9:

Little Mac - Giga Mac

Another transformation Final Smash, Little Mac's changes him into the massive Giga Mac. It has pretty much the same problems as Lucario's. If your opponent is able to avoid your attacks, it can be a complete waste of a Final Smash. Lucario gets the edge because with its Aura Power it can get a more powerful Smash. Again though, just a more powerful version of Little Mac.

You don't want to get me angry...

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Number 8:

Mii Swordsman - Final Edge

At number 8 is one of the more unique characters in the game, Mii Swordsman. I personally like the Mii Fighters in the game. It adds a very fun customization aspect to everything. The final smash for the Swordsman though is pretty bad. It raises its sword and then sends out waves that push your opponent. That's about it, waves that push your opponent. They do a little damage, and can certainly be annoying, but any character with a good recovery will easily be able to jump right back onto the stage.

At least it looks cool. 
Notice how the Mii Brawler isn't even flinching...

Number 7:

Wii Fit Trainer - Wii Fit

Another Wii U newcomer, Wii Fit Trainer's Final Smash is very similar to the Mii Swordsman's. The only difference is Wii Fit projects yoga poses instead of waves. It does very little damage and is easily recoverable. Really the only reason it's higher on this list is because I feel the Swordsmen's Smash is spaced slightly better, and looks cooler. 


Don't forget to stretch before any vigorous activity.

Number 6:

Wario - Wario-Man

The first Final Smash returning from Brawl to make this list. Wario-Man is another transformation Smash, but this one is the worst of the bunch. Honestly I barely notice any change in power in his Final Smash form. Basically he just changes costume. This is when we really start to get to the legitimately bad Final Smashes. Wario's just really doesn't do very much at all. 

Yes, that is garlic he's eating to gain his super powers.

I think that might be a cloud of fart, I'm not really sure...

That's part one of the 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U. Part two, with numbers 5-1 will be posted shortly. As a quick note, all the pictures are screenshots I took using my copy of Super Smash Bros. Wii U.

Here's a link to part 2.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015


So I have been thinking about writing a blog for some time now, but never really had any motivation to do so. With New Year's recently passed, I figured that this would be a great resolution, finally start my own blog. I still have no idea what the structure of this will be, if any. Mostly it will be random things that I'm talking about, at least until maybe I find my niche. It will focus on things I'm interested in, but nothing really in particular. I'm not sure how often I will update, but hopefully it'll be a few times a week, probably mostly on my days off from work. I'm hoping this will become a cool and fun experience for me, and if other people actually end up reading this, for you as well.