Thursday, January 22, 2015

Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS (Part 2)

This is the second half of my Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS Post. If you haven't seen the first half, go ahead and check it out. Otherwise...

5. 3DS Extra

This one is actually pretty similar to what led off the first half of this list, the 3DS Upgraded. It's a 3DS and it has extra features, simple and self explanatory. This is however much better sounding than upgraded, and doesn't have the Cyberman feeling attached to it. 

Much like Nintendo products, the flavor always runs out of stock before you get to enjoy it. 

4. 3DS Power

"Now you're playing with power" A classic slogan from Nintendo, and naming the system this would let them use the slogan again, a great promotional ability if you ask me. Any nostalgia points are always good, especially for Nintendo. This also works since one of the highlighted features is the increased processing power it has over the regular 3DS. 

Now you're playing with power, 3-D POWER

3. 3DS Pro

I feel like this name might appeal towards gamers more than casual players, but I still really like it. I thought of the name with a connection to the Circle Pad Pro that could be attached to a 3DS in order to add another control stick. Since the C-stick is such a major feature of New 3DS, why not just name it after the device that's being emulated.

Now with added bulkiness! 

2. 3DS Advance

Talk about nostalgia. I think Nintendo naming another portable system Advance would be a great marketing tactic for them. I owned a GameBoy Color, but I really fell in love with the GameBoy Advance. Just writing about it brings up great gaming memories, and Nintendo could really capitalize on gamers who would be thinking about fun times while picking up their new portable system.

Or just release this again. Really. Do it Nintendo.

1. Super 3DS

Coming in at Number 1, Super 3DS. I mean just how awesome does that sound? I would love to tell people I own a Super 3DS. Super is also a word definitively associated with Nintendo, most notably of course, the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. There just doesn't seem to be a drawback with this name. It really is Super. 

Nintendo is just freaking awesome sometimes.

So, those are the Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS. What do you guys think? Any better ideas? Or do you like the New 3DS name. Let me know what you think. Don't forget to vote in the poll too.

Which is the best name for the upcoming 3DS

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