Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS (Part 1)

Since it's announcement last year, many of us have known about Nintendo's New 3DS. We knew it would have extra bumper buttons, NFC ability, a C-Stick of sorts, a better 3-D function, and overall better processing and power. Japan got it first, followed closely by Australia. Europe was then announced to be a getting an ambassador program for them to have access to it. Then finally in a recent Nintendo Direct, a North American release date was announced, February 13. So, in light of the recent news I present the Ten Names better than the New 3DS. Honestly, this name is just bad. It's confusing when writing about it, it's twice as confusing when talking about it, and seems like it'll be three times as confusing when selling it. Imagine walking into a Gamestop and asking for a new 3DS and the associate literally doesn't know if you want a new 3DS or a new New 3DS. Or a used New 3DS. Overall a poor name in my opinion, so....

10. 3DS Upgraded

So it's a 3DS, and it's been upgraded. Nothing too complicated here, definitely avoids any confusion. Two drawbacks is that it doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, and it reminds me just a bit too much of the Cybermen from Doctor Who. Still a better name though.

Your 3DS will be upgraded.

9. 3DSi

I totally understand why Nintendo didn't name it this, the DSi is regarded as a gimmicky flop. Nevertheless the New 3DS is already being compared to it so...

Still a better name than Twilight...

8. Special 3DS

Pros: This is a pretty special 3DS. It's the best up to this point, and the limited editions that have been revealed are really quite special. Cons: It kinda brings up thoughts of the 3DS being, well uh not too smart... and a breakfast cereal.

Part of a balanced video game breakfast

7. 3DS Ultra

As we've learned from Pokemon, there's Poke, there's great, and then there's Ultra. It's a strong name and invokes feelings of being awesome and superior. Now is when we start to get to names that I really legitimately like.

Shoot, it was so close too

6. 3DS Legend

Nothing quite invokes a feeling of epicness as a legend does. Whether it's the legend of Atlantis, the legend of Robin Hood, or most importantly the Legend of Zelda, the word just brings to mind many fantastic stories and journeys.  Though legend can also imply something old, not exactly what the marking for this 3DS should be, any name that brings up feelings of Zelda has to be a good one for Nintendo. 

This name would be legen, wait for it...

So that's part 1 of Ten Names Better Than the New 3DS. Part 2 will be coming in the next post.

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