Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U (Part 1)

So my first real post here is a topic that will probably come up a lot: video games. In this case Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and Wii U. I love this game. I am pretty much a Nintendo fan boy, I love everything they touch, but Super Smash Bros. in particular is a massive favorite of mine. I have probably put more hours into this franchise than any other video game franchise in my life. So why not start with something the internet doesn't have enough of, a Top 10 List. Actually it's going to be more of a Bottom 10 List. It's the list of my personal 10 Worst Final Smashes. Starting with 10 and working all the way up to the worst at Number 1, I'll be talking about why these are pretty terrible Final Smashes in my opinion. So without further ado....

Number 10:

Lucario - Mega Lucario

Starting the list off with a character whose Final Smash was changed from Brawl, Lucario's Mega form isn't terrible, it's just not great. You turn into a more powerful version of Lucario, which is nice, but if you opponent is able to avoid you they can literally come out unscathed. Especially since the amount of time you spend as Mega Lucario seems very short. If you are able to hit anyone, the power is noticeable, but even still you're just a beefed up version of Lucario. Nothing too special in the long run.

If Pokemon Trainer is gone, who has the Mega Stone? 
Wax on, wax off...

Number 9:

Little Mac - Giga Mac

Another transformation Final Smash, Little Mac's changes him into the massive Giga Mac. It has pretty much the same problems as Lucario's. If your opponent is able to avoid your attacks, it can be a complete waste of a Final Smash. Lucario gets the edge because with its Aura Power it can get a more powerful Smash. Again though, just a more powerful version of Little Mac.

You don't want to get me angry...

You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

Number 8:

Mii Swordsman - Final Edge

At number 8 is one of the more unique characters in the game, Mii Swordsman. I personally like the Mii Fighters in the game. It adds a very fun customization aspect to everything. The final smash for the Swordsman though is pretty bad. It raises its sword and then sends out waves that push your opponent. That's about it, waves that push your opponent. They do a little damage, and can certainly be annoying, but any character with a good recovery will easily be able to jump right back onto the stage.

At least it looks cool. 
Notice how the Mii Brawler isn't even flinching...

Number 7:

Wii Fit Trainer - Wii Fit

Another Wii U newcomer, Wii Fit Trainer's Final Smash is very similar to the Mii Swordsman's. The only difference is Wii Fit projects yoga poses instead of waves. It does very little damage and is easily recoverable. Really the only reason it's higher on this list is because I feel the Swordsmen's Smash is spaced slightly better, and looks cooler. 


Don't forget to stretch before any vigorous activity.

Number 6:

Wario - Wario-Man

The first Final Smash returning from Brawl to make this list. Wario-Man is another transformation Smash, but this one is the worst of the bunch. Honestly I barely notice any change in power in his Final Smash form. Basically he just changes costume. This is when we really start to get to the legitimately bad Final Smashes. Wario's just really doesn't do very much at all. 

Yes, that is garlic he's eating to gain his super powers.

I think that might be a cloud of fart, I'm not really sure...

That's part one of the 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U. Part two, with numbers 5-1 will be posted shortly. As a quick note, all the pictures are screenshots I took using my copy of Super Smash Bros. Wii U.

Here's a link to part 2.

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