Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U (Part 2)

Earlier I posted the first half of my Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U list (Numbers 10-6). If you haven't yet, I suggest you check that out. Otherwise let's get right to it.

Number 5:

Donkey Kong - Konga Beat

Starting off the second half of the list is a Final Smash that just honestly confuses me, Donkey Kong's Konga Beat. When activated you float in the air and hit congo drums to the beat. First off, the waves it throws out do little damage, and don't even really push out too far. Second, it's very easy to avoid. Third, you actually have to keep time with the beat to make it powerful. Miss one note and you lose your combo, basically starting your power over making this the most effort you have to put into any Smash. All told this Final Smash is just full of flaws. 


Put your hands together if you want to clap...

Number 4:

Fox and Falco - Landmaster

A duel entry here, but since they both have the same Final Smash I figured I would just lump them together. The Landmaster is just bad. You get a crazy powerful cannon, but you can't aim it. Your oppenent has to be lined up with the cannon in order for any shot at hitting them. On flat levels this can sometimes be decent, but on so many other levels this is basically worthless. It's also crazy hard to control the massive tank, and on more than one occasion I've seen people KO themselves with it. Just a poor design for this Final Smash.

Do a barrel roll

Number 3:

Rosalina and Luma - Power Star

So when I was first coming up for the idea for this list, this was the Final Smash that inspired me to do it. I'll admit that I thought this was going to be my clear number 1, but after doing my "research" I came up with two worse Smashes. That doesn't mean this one isn't terrible though. It is. So Rosalina's Power Star is a star that slowly expands while shooting out mini stars in random directions. The large star does damage if you touch it, but no one will ever touch it. It doesn't get too big, and even on the smaller stages is pretty easy to avoid. The smaller stars do very little damage, and though not necessarily easy to avoid because they are random I have literally not moved and escaped unscathed. The best you can end up doing is slightly annoy your opponents with it.  

Would you like to trade 20 coins for a Star?

At least it's pretty...

Number 2:

Jigglypuff - Puff Up

So what could be worse than Rosalina? Jigglypuff. I feel like this might be controversial since some people I talk to really like Jiggly's Final Smash. I on the other hand do not all. So in this Final Smash Jigglypuff get really big and pushes you off the stage. Then if you're next to it when it reaches full size, it will launch you. So this move is only good on small stages, and even then doesn't take up the whole stage. Also I find it weird that a move that depends on your opponents being right next to you at the end would try to push you as far away at the beginning of it. It seems to completely defeat the purpose. It's honestly very avoidable too. Really a waste in my opinion.

Those are demon eyes. 
What exactly is it full of right now?

Number 1:

Peach - Peach Blossom

At the top of the list of the 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U is none other than Princess Toadstool herself. For her Final Smash she dances around, makes giant peaches fall out of the air, and puts everyone to sleep. That's it though. This Smash has two major flaws. First is that it does no damage. Second is that it actually can, and will sometimes allow your opponent to heal themselves. The giant peaches are just like food, and anyone can consume them to heal themselves. This is why Peach has the worst Final Smash in the game. After using it, you can literally be in a worse position than when you started. There is no redeeming quality to this move making this my Number 1.

Wouldn't it be funny if Peach was in love with Luigi? 

Wouldn't it be funny if that was actually an Apricot?  
So that is my Top 10 Worst Final Smashes for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U. What do you think? Miss any other bad ones? Completely wrong with my choices? Let me know in the comments. Feel free to vote in the poll too. Again, all of the photos are screenshots I took with my Wii U copy of the game. Thanks for reading!

Which is the Worst Final Smash for Super Smash Bros. 3DS and Wii U

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